Why Should I See an Acupuncturist?
Backed by more than five thousand years of practice, acupuncture is a safe and effective form of holistic medicine. It is practiced worldwide both as a primary and adjunctive treatment for a wide range of conditions. While there are somewhat standard treatment protocols for many conditions, the clinical success of acupuncture is related to the wide range of diagnostic signs and symptoms, as well as the consideration of all aspects of the person in addition to the physical, which are taken into consideration when looking at an imbalance. For a condition such as low back pain, an acupuncturist may look at your tongue, check your pulse, ask about your diet and lifestyle, palpate your spine, etc. This range of diagnostic information allows acupuncture practitioners to develop a treatment strategy that is unique to you and your experience of a particular condition. Treatment is intended to address both the symptoms and the underlying cause of the symptoms.
What Criteria Should I Use When Selecting an Acupuncturist?
Prospective patients should ask about where the practitioner trained and for how long they have been in practice. Kansas does not license acupuncturists, so look for the credentials Dipl. Ac. (Diplomate of Acupuncture) or DOM (Doctor of Oriental Medicine) which are certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) to be sure your acupuncturist is fully qualified. Be sure your acupuncturist has proper certification and professional liability insurance.
What Conditions Can Be Treated with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
People may see an acupuncturist for almost any condition, from Diabetes to Low Back Pain. Some of the more commonly treated conditions are:
- Pain anywhere in the body including headaches, migraines and trauma
- Stress related physiological and emotional disorders, PTSD
- Psychological related conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, Anger Management, and Insomnia
- Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, Sleep Disorders
- PMS, painful or irregular menstruation, fibroids, menopause, endometriosis, hot flashes
- Digestive problems, acid reflux, bloating, and weight loss assistance
- Constipation, diarrhea, IBS disorders, hemorrhoids, Crohn's Disease
- Asthma, sinus, vertigo and tinnitus, and allergy issues
- High blood pressure, hypotension, stress related illness
- Chemotherapy and radiation side effects
- Musculoskeletal issues, tendonitis, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, bursitis,
- Sciatica, carpal tunnel, arthritis, frozen shoulder, knee pain, neck and back pain, TMJ
- Health Maintenance, Wellness, prevention
The World Health Organization recognizes Acupuncture as an effective treatment approach for over 40 common disorders, including post-operative pain, nausea and diarrhea, insomnia, anxiety and panic disorders. (Visit The World Health Organization for more information). The National Institute of Health is also finding acupuncture may be helpful in treating addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headaches, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain and osteoarthritis.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine sterile needles on the surface of the body in order to improve the function of all aspects of our being. It influences the energy force, or Qi, running through the body along pathways called meridians. Recent research has shown that acupuncture influences biochemical and physiologic changes which support the healing process. Acupuncture can positively improve health and wellness; treat various medical, fatigue, and pain conditions, and prevent illness. While it is most often associated with pain control, it can also be used for many medical disorders or in support of other medical treatments.
This ancient practice is over 5,000 years old and was developed and refined in China and holds to the belief that a person's health is influenced by the smooth flow and balance of this qi (pronounced chee). All parts of a human being, and nature itself, are interconnected and dependent on each other. Teachings about this perspective can be traced back thousands of years in many different cultures.
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a process of evaluating signs and symptoms and relating them to one another to reveal how they form patterns of harmony or disharmony. This starts with the basic yin and yang energies which are both dependent on and control each other. Each symptom or sign is evaluated on the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual levels. This process of examination reveals what type of disharmony of the organ systems (lung, liver, kidney, heart, pericardium, gall bladder, bladder, large intestine, small intestine, or triple burner), problems at the Qi, Blood, Fluid, or Essence Level, or channels you may have, and a healthcare plan can be instituted which may include Chinese herbs, acupuncture or other modalities. Styles of Acupuncture utilizing TCM theory are provided at InnerWorks, including TCM Acupuncture, Classical/Five Element Acupuncture, Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture, and Acudetox.
What Does Western Medicine Say About Acupuncture?
Researchers using Western Medicine diagnostic tools have found some physiologic changes occurring with acupuncture treatment. These include:
- Endorphins (our body’s natural pain killers) released after acupuncture for pain relief.
- Reduction in stress hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) after acupuncture for stress and other symptoms.
- Increased blood flow in areas after acupuncture.
- The vision center in the brain being activated after acupuncture for vision problems.
- The vestibular system in the brain being activated after acupuncture for nausea/vertigo.
What Will My First Acupuncture Treatment Be Like?
Most people find acupuncture to be a deeply relaxing experience, even for those who have some anxiety about needles. Your first session will include considerable discussion about many aspects of your health and lifestyle. This information allows the practitioner to obtain the information necessary to clearly understand and diagnose your issues from an oriental medicine viewpoint. The needling during the first treatment may be limited so you can become accustomed to the experience and the practitioner can see how you respond. After the needles have been inserted, one may feel a sensation of heaviness or tingling. Some people feel minimal pain, most feel no pain at all. The needles are sterile and disposable posing no risk of infection.
What Styles of Acupuncture are Available at InnerWorks?
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): is the general term for the style of acupuncture which most acupuncturists are trained in and the style which most people practice in the US. The evaluation and treatment is based on harmonizing the flow of energy in all aspects of the person. The majority of recent clinical studies regarding acupuncture usually use treatment techniques protocols based on TCM Theory.
Traditional Chinese Medicine InformationClassical Five Element Acupuncture
In addition to the Traditional Chinese Medicine model described above, Classical Five Element theory acupuncture is also utilized at InnerWorks. Classical or Five Element theory is steeped in the emotional and spiritual components of Chinese Medicine. This psycho-spiritual focus is used even when the symptoms are manifested by the physical body. It can be used exclusively or in combination with TCM. Lorie has training in both TCM and Five Element theory and utilizes both forms. Five Element Acupuncture Information
Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture
Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture: can be considered both a stand-alone treatment or an adjunctive technique. Auricular (Ear) acupuncture uses the ears as a microcosm, or representation, of the entire body. By diagnosing with and treating the ears, one can treat any condition anywhere in the body, including psychological and emotional issues.
Auricular Acupuncture InformationAcudetox
One area where Auricular acupuncture is used extensively is in drug and alcohol detox centers where the NADA Acudetox Acupuncture protocol is used to help people with addiction recovery.
Acudetox InformationDoes Acupuncture Hurt?
Pain during acupuncture is rare. If discomfort does occur, typically it lasts a brief period of a few seconds. The needles are extremely thin, especially compared to the hypodermic needles which are used in western medicine. A sensation such as a heaviness or distended feeling may be felt and indicates that the acupuncture is working. Acupuncture is very relaxing and rarely is there discomfort.
Acupuncture Limits
Both Western and Oriental Medicine have their respective strengths and weaknesses. Generally speaking, acute, life threatening conditions are best handled by Western medical doctors. Routine health problems and chronic conditions often benefit from Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, even if drug therapy and surgery have not been helpful. At InnerWorks, we often see people who are under the care of their doctor or are seeing one of our western medicine practitioners in addition to receiving acupuncture. When appropriately combined, the patient benefits from the synergistic effects of combined services.
What if I Am Afraid of Needles?
For those who are needle phobic, acupressure can be used. Or ear seeds which are attached to adhesive tape can be placed on ear acupuncture points and stay in place for days after the treatment.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
The FDA approved acupuncture using sterile single use needles by qualified practitioners in 1996. Our acupuncturists have been trained in proper needling technique to ensure the best results and the client's safety.
Is Acupuncture covered by insurance?
Most insurance companies do not cover acupuncture. Check with your insurance to be sure. Lorie does offer a 10% discount to clients who have Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance.